Friday, August 29, 2008

WHoaaa! What Stress?

I was out for a while. The reason was, my life turned a 360 degrees turn from my so called comfort zone. Since the arrival of my sister-in-law and her 5 children from the Phils. last June, things weren't the same anymore. I found myself dropping and picking 5 kids from different schools with about 15 minutes interval in between. What more my sis-in-law had a bout with depression.Everyone in the family tried everything to help her out. It can be stressing you know. So, in a way, my husband and I became the " substitute parents" so to speak. I had to juggle the time, add to the fact that I, myself attend classes in the morning. Things were up to my throat, but I missed blogging a lot. And I almost forgot to mention I'm in my 2nd trimester of pregnancy.
I guess, others have the same predicament as I have, or worst. One thing I realized though, never lose the sense of ME TIME...A time for oneself even for a brief 5 mins. to Taking time to smell the flowers, admiring a scenery,shopping, reading, talking to friends...the list is endless. It's one way of coping with stress and keeping the sanity intact. The highlight of all is looking forward to the birth of our daughter on December. This makes it all bearable. After all, life will never be complete without it's ups and downs.


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